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  • 🐶❤️🐶 Click for sweetest pup you'll see today! 🐶❤️🐶

🐶❤️🐶 Click for sweetest pup you'll see today! 🐶❤️🐶

If you can't stand cuteness, this might not be for you 🤔

Here’s your daily dose of doggy goodness!

Every day, we celebrate our shared love of dogs and hopefully brighten your day. Enjoy!

Dog of the Day:

Brought to you by Westchester U. of PA.

Meme of the day:

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Why Do Dogs Lick People?

Licking is a common dog behavior with various motivations, often rooted in their ancestral past.

Affection and Bonding: Licking releases endorphins in dogs, creating a pleasurable sensation. They may lick their human companions as a way of showing affection, similar to how they lick other dogs within their social group. [1]

Attention-Seeking: Licking can be a learned behavior. If your dog receives attention (even negative attention) when licking, they may repeat the behavior to elicit a response. [2]

Taste and Exploration: Your skin may simply taste good to your dog! They might be attracted to the saltiness of your sweat or residual food particles. Licking can also be a way for dogs to explore their environment and gather information. [3]

Submission or Appeasement: In some cases, licking can be a sign of submission or appeasement, especially when accompanied by other submissive behaviors like lowered body posture. [4]

Anxiety Relief: Licking can be a self-soothing behavior for dogs experiencing anxiety or stress.

While licking is usually a harmless behavior, excessive licking can indicate underlying anxiety or medical issues. If concerned, consult a veterinarian or certified dog behaviorist.


[1] Overall, K. L. (2013). Manual of clinical behavioral medicine for dogs and cats. Elsevier Health Sciences. [2] Lindsay, S. R. (2001). Handbook of applied dog behavior and training. Iowa State University Press. [3] Coren, S. (2006). How dogs think. Free Press. [4] Beaver, B. V. (2009). Canine behavior: Insights and answers. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Family photo of the day: Luca!  

Make Your Pup Famous!

We want to share your pup. Email us your favorite doggy pic or video with your pup’s name, and we'll try to feature it as a family photos in one of our upcoming newsletters or on our Facebook page.

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🐶 Refer 10 people: we will donate a box of treats to an animal rescue 🐶 

🐕️ Refer 50 people: we will donate a bag of dog food to an animal rescue 🐕️ 

🛏️ Refer 100 people: we will donate a dog bed to an animal rescue 🛏️ 

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Dog of the day: IG wcuofpa

Meme of the day: IG fi.dogs