🐶❤️🐶 Remember Holly? 🐶❤️🐶

This is our 100th issue! We're so grateful for your support

Here’s your 100th daily dose of doggy goodness!

Every day, we celebrate our shared love of dogs and hopefully brighten your day. Enjoy!

Dog of the Day:

Meet Holly Blue, our most popular dog of the day ever.

Meme of the day:

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Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Though seemingly strange, grass-eating is a common canine behavior with various potential causes.

Dietary Needs: Grass provides fiber, aiding digestion. Dogs may instinctively eat grass to supplement a fiber-deficient diet or alleviate digestive discomfort. This self-medication may help them pass stool or deal with intestinal worms. [1]

Stomach Upset: Eating grass can induce vomiting, helping dogs expel indigestible materials or toxins. This instinctual behavior can be a self-soothing mechanism for an upset stomach. [2]

Behavioral Factors: Boredom, anxiety, or attention-seeking behaviors can also lead to grass-eating. Ensuring adequate mental and physical stimulation can help curb this behavior. [3]

Preference: Some dogs simply enjoy the taste, smell, or texture of grass.

Pica: If grass-eating is excessive or accompanied by eating other non-food items, it could indicate pica. Pica may signal underlying nutritional deficiencies or medical conditions. [4]


[1] Sueda, K. L. C., Hart, B. L., & Cliff, K. D. (2008). Characterisation of plant eating in dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 111(1-2), 120-132. [2] Palika, L. (2007). The Howell book of dog care. John Wiley & Sons. [3] Horwitz, D. F., & Mills, D. S. (2009). BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine. BSAVA Library. [4] Landsberg, G. M., Hunthausen, W., & Ackerman, L. (2013). Behavior problems of the dog and cat. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Family photo of the day: Cooper!  

Make Your Pup Famous!

We want to share your pup. Email us your favorite doggy pic or video with your pup’s name, and we'll try to feature it as a family photos in one of our upcoming newsletters or on our Facebook page.

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🐶 Refer 10 people: we will donate a box of treats to an animal rescue 🐶 

🐕️ Refer 50 people: we will donate a bag of dog food to an animal rescue 🐕️ 

🛏️ Refer 100 people: we will donate a dog bed to an animal rescue 🛏️ 

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Dog of the day: IG hollythebluestaffy

Meme of the day: IG chad_stergram