Every day, we celebrate our shared love of dogs and hopefully brighten your day. Enjoy!
Though seemingly strange, grass-eating is a common canine behavior with various potential causes.
Dietary Needs: Grass provides fiber, aiding digestion. Dogs may instinctively eat grass to supplement a fiber-deficient diet or alleviate digestive discomfort. This self-medication may help them pass stool or deal with intestinal worms. [1]
Stomach Upset: Eating grass can induce vomiting, helping dogs expel indigestible materials or toxins. This instinctual behavior can be a self-soothing mechanism for an upset stomach. [2]
Behavioral Factors: Boredom, anxiety, or attention-seeking behaviors can also lead to grass-eating. Ensuring adequate mental and physical stimulation can help curb this behavior. [3]
Preference: Some dogs simply enjoy the taste, smell, or texture of grass.
Pica: If grass-eating is excessive or accompanied by eating other non-food items, it could indicate pica. Pica may signal underlying nutritional deficiencies or medical conditions. [4]
[1] Sueda, K. L. C., Hart, B. L., & Cliff, K. D. (2008). Characterisation of plant eating in dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 111(1-2), 120-132. [2] Palika, L. (2007). The Howell book of dog care. John Wiley & Sons. [3] Horwitz, D. F., & Mills, D. S. (2009). BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine. BSAVA Library. [4] Landsberg, G. M., Hunthausen, W., & Ackerman, L. (2013). Behavior problems of the dog and cat. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Family photo of the day: Cooper!
We want to share your pup. Email us your favorite doggy pic or video with your pup’s name, and we'll try to feature it as a family photos in one of our upcoming newsletters or on our Facebook page.
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🐕️ Refer 50 people: we will donate a bag of dog food to an animal rescue 🐕️
🛏️ Refer 100 people: we will donate a dog bed to an animal rescue 🛏️
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Dog of the day: IG hollythebluestaffy
Meme of the day: IG chad_stergram